
Vote for Snickers most satisfying ending

During the first half of Super Bowl XLI, Snickers will run its first Super Bowl commercial since 2001. Two mechanics share a Snickers Bar in the humorous ad. You can watch the commercial here:

During the Super Bowl, consumers can visit the website to view alternative endings for the commercial. Viewers can vote for their "most satisfying ending" and the favorite ad will be the next version to air.

Select players from the Chicago Bears and Indianapolis Colts have previewed the ad with the alternative endings.


neene said...
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Anonymous said...

Tasteless humor. Why have two men act as if they are so involved in the candy that they don't realize they are touching lips??!! Stupid! Who are you trying to satisfy? Obviously not the heterosexual community!

Anonymous said...

I thought this commercial was funny! I went to the Snickers site at www.snickerssatisfies.com where there are four endings to the commercial and you can vote for the best one. I saw the end of the commercial during the game, but couldn't find it at the sportsline site, either, and I wondered the same thing. As to the "Snickers isn't trying to satisfy the herterosexual community," I am straight and this was my favorite comercial, second only to the bud lite bad hitchhikers commercial.
Just because they accidently touched lips doesn't make them gay, or even bi-curious. But if it happened to someone for real, and I'm sure there is more than a couple of men out there who have accidently touched lips, it would be morbidly embarassing to them and hilarious to everyone else!

Anonymous said...

Disgusting gay bullshit. There were millions of little boys watching this crap. They don't need to see men kissing other men. I'm tired of watching this liberal gay bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? This commercial is blatently homophobic. The alternate endings they provide on their website are even more so than this one. Shows that homosexuality is still unaccepted socially. The one alternate ending even promotes violence as the one guy hits the other guy with a tool. There are more sane ways to promote a candy bar can be satisfying. These commercials should be pulled from airing.

Anonymous said...

Here's a news flash: Nobody wants to see men kissing this commercial was disgusting. they could roll snickers in Hair and it couldn't be worse considering the 100%gay pallic symbology here. I'll never eat a snickers again. yuck

Anonymous said...

I thought this commercial was repuslive and disgusting. Whoever came up with this piece of crap should be fired! It was the worst commercial I've ever seen! It was obviously thought up by some pole smoker!!!

Anonymous said...

absolutely disgusting! What "brilliant" ( and i use this word very loosely) mind came up with this one? Was he smoking some wacky tobbacky? Who raised this person? A pack of wolves?

Anonymous said...

I thought that it was by far the BEST commercial... Everyone I talked with remembered the product and thougfht it was Hilarious! Grow up people!